How to Ease Chronic Low Back Pain Without Surgery

How to Ease Chronic Low Back Pain Without Surgery

Back pain, much of it chronic low back pain, is so common that about 80% of people develop it at some stage during their lives. The pain may consist of anything from a dull, constant ache to a sudden, stabbing pain that shoots from the back into an extremity.

Acute back pain starts suddenly and is usually caused by an injury. It typically lasts for a few weeks and then stops, but if it continues for more than three months, it’s termed chronic.

When it comes to treating back or neck pain, most people think of surgery. However, at Santa Cruz Osteopathic in Capitola, California, physical medicine specialist and physiatrist Dr. Richard Bernstein and his team offer innovative nonsurgical spinal treatments that deliver lasting pain relief. Here, they discuss several nonsurgical treatments that can help you become pain-free.

A bit about your spine

Your spine extends from the base of your skull to your tailbone, serving as the backbone that allows you to stand up straight. In the adult spine, 24 bony vertebrae form the column, all connected by small, bony protuberances called facet joints.

Between each pair of vertebrae lie intervertebral discs that serve three functions: to prevent the bones from rubbing against each other, to absorb the shock of movement, and to allow you to bend, flex, and twist.

As with your other joints, the vertebrae undergo wear-and-tear problems as you age, and you can develop conditions like osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease. When bones rub against each other, the friction may cause spurs to develop. These can reach into the spinal canal and impinge upon nerve roots, causing radiating pain and/or spinal stenosis — a narrowing of the spinal column that crowds and compresses nerves.

In addition, the discs dehydrate over time, flattening out and/or herniating (rupturing). When a disc herniates, the inner, gel-like material can ooze into the spinal column, pressing against the nerve roots and causing radiating pain.

How to ease chronic low back pain without surgery

Certain cases require surgical treatment, such as a cracked vertebra or ruptured disc; however, most back and neck issues can be treated effectively with nonsurgical techniques.

As a physical medicine physician, Dr. Bernstein relies on nonsurgical, minimally, or noninvasive, holistic techniques to activate and enhance your body’s built-in potential for self-healing. They include:

Osteopathic manual medicine (OMM)

OMM uses hands-on body manipulation. Dr. Bernstein employs stretching, minor pressure, and resistance to encourage tissue healing, recover a joint’s range of motion, and build strength. Combined with other holistic treatments, OMM makes for whole-body wellness.

Regenerative medicine

Mesenchymal stem cells are termed “blank slate” cells. When placed at the treatment site, they can develop into whatever type of tissue is needed. Stem cells boost the rate of cellular regeneration, helping repair damaged tissues with decreased recovery time and less inflammation than you’d expect with a surgical procedure.

Spinal decompression therapy

When spinal pain is caused by disc problems such as degenerative disc disease or bulging or herniated discs, or when it radiates, such as with sciatica, Dr. Bernstein uses the SpineMED® spinal decompression platform, a powerful noninvasive treatment. 

SpineMED is a computerized platform that gently but precisely pulls the vertebrae apart in the affected spinal region, relieving pressure on the compressed nerves. This decreases pain and encourages the body to heal itself.

Therapeutic exercise

Dr. Bernstein uses therapeutic exercise, similar to physical therapy, to improve strength and function while avoiding reinjury. 

If you’re dealing with low back pain but don’t want surgery, Santa Cruz Osteopathic can help. Call us at 831-464-1605 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bernstein or book online with us today.

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